Sunday, April 10, 2011

Some PDF tricks on Visualforce: Landscape, A4, page number and more

The beauty of Visualforce is simplicity. Remember the shock you received when you were told the entire page renders as PDF if you just add renderAs=PDF to the Page tag.

For those who thought I spoke alien language right now, here is the trick, to render a page as PDF, we add a simple attribute to the <apex: page> tag

<apex: page renderAs='pdf'>
This will render the entire page as PDF.

Now, say we need to add some extra features to the PDF. Like a page number in the footer or we need to render the page in landscape mode. Faced with this problem, I put on my Indiana Jones hat and went hunting for it in the vast hay-sack of the internet (read: googled extensively). Imagine my happiness when i found a big big page with many big big examples to solve the problem. The document I am referring to is from W3C, paged Box media.

Long story short, I now possess the ultimate secret of rendering the page in any format I want. So here are few tricks I learned from the page. To perform this tricks simply add the following code to your visualforce PDF page and see it bend to your command.

1. Rendering page as landscape

@page {
/* Landscape orientation */

2. Rending page in different size

@page {
  size: 8.5in 11in;/* width height */

3. Rendering page in landscape A4

@page {
  size: A4 landscape;
4. Adding stuff in footer of the page

@bottom-right {
content: Some content;

5. Adding page number to the page

@page {
  size: 8.5in 11in;
  margin: 10%;

  @top-left {
    content: "Hamlet";
  @top-right {
    content: "Page " counter(page);

The other variations in box-model are top-left, top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, bottom-center.

Hope this helps creating those awesome looking PDFs in visualforce. More information on many more tricks in a lot of detail can be collected from the mother ship itself.

Some more information is also given by the Quinton Wall on blog.

Toodles for now,
Hope it helps,

P.s. Those who could early book into DF11, I envy you.

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  1. awesome! great post sid.

  2. Also remember that if you do
    <apex:outputPanel layout="none" render="{!someboolean}">

    And have another output panel inside it will get wrapped with a span even if you put layout="none"


    Make PDF's error if you are putting that span in say before TR

  3. @David
    Thanks for the info, yes it will completely screw the layout. However if you wish to render PDF, always make sure you use table instead of divs and output panel.

  4. forcing page breaks doesn't work, unfortunately.

  5. Try the following to force a page break after the the div:

    < div style="page-break-after: always;" >
    your content here
    < /div>

  6. Has anyone found a way to add todays date to the bottom of the PDF?

    I've tried:

    @bottom-right {
    content: "Date " (TODAY()};

    and several other variations on the same syntax, to no avail.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. ok so I am clearly missing something whenever I add this code to the page it just appears as text at the top before the apex page block

    1. @Robin,
      are you sure you are putting it inside page{}

    2. Could it be because I am using the account standard controller?

      If I add it to a style section then nothing happens at all.

    3. It should be inside the style and then inside @page {
      // Write code here

      observe it should be inside the @page.

  9. Hi all..
    Can any one help to render the visualforce chart on pdf?

    1. Why don't you post it on the boards? I am sure someone will help you out there

  10. If your stylesheet will not render add this setting to your apex:page applyhtmltag="false"
